Dope is a unique tag-based theme to arrange your publication into collections. Keep organized and let your readers explore your publications with beautifully designed tag columns. In addition to being fully responsive and styled, it comes with a few optional bells and whistles that are explained below.
Tag collection on homepage
Dope displays all tags of your site as a collection on the homepage in alphabetical order. Depending on the number of tags and the screen size, the layout will automatically be divided into columns. Each column is a tag using the tag image as background. If there's no tag image, the cover image will be used as a fallback.

There are two built-in widgets in Dope, and both will be displayed in the off-canvas menu alongside the primary navigation. The menu can be toggled with the burger menu on the top right.
- Recent posts - latest 3 posts will be displayed
- Links - the links will be pulled from the secondary navigation set in "Settings > Navigation"
Related posts
If there's a post with the same tag as the current post, it will be displayed as a related post on bottom of the content. Read more about tags here.